Welcome to the blog :). For many years now, I have acquired skills in the field of graphic and web design, as well as developing. This site will therefore predominantly focus on creativity, improvisation, and efficiency in the sphere of web design.
As such, I will try to convey my experience, write about problems that I encouter throughout my projects, as well as the new stuff that I bump into on the web. I’ll also post some stuff related to design and photography to spice things up.
I tend to think I know a lot, but not everything. I’m involved with CSS, HTML, Javascript, PHP, Actionscript, Flash, etc. I use the Drupal CMS system which I have been using since 2004 and I can say that I am well familiarize with it. I will hence mention it quite often. Most of the stuff mentioned however will also be applicable to other CMS systems such as Wordpress or Joomla. My opinion is that people should use whichever system they feel the most comfortable with. I have mastered Drupal and I use it in most of my work. Some say it’s complicated, and I admit - it can be challenging at times. However, when one does master it, one can do pretty much anything they put their mind to. I guess I have always chosen the more difficult path :) Since Drupal uses jQuery, I use it as well since it’s one of the most common and most widely accepted frameworks today.
The Internet is huge. Some things already exist, others are pure improv. When you do improvise, mistakes occur every now and then, so please give me a heads up in case you encounter any. It’s important to be constructive - as such we can work out the optimal solution. I know a lot, but not everything and I hope that you’ll find this blog useful.
That basically sums things up. To stay updated, grab RSS feed link or follow me on Twitter.
BIG Thanks to friends, family, colleagues, Mihajlo Savic and to these guys below
Illustration: Bogdan Maksimovic
Translation: Vasilije Perovic
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