First time here? I suggest you to start with blog intro and find out what is going on, in other case try to avoid this message and find something new and intresting for you. Enjoy and keep reading :)

BokicaBo playful ads

BokicaBo playful ads

And so we've finished the newest BokicBo collection and just like the previous ones, it was tremendously exciting and fun to collaborate with friends both new and old.

021 Jun 2011
We SHARE knowledge

We SHARE knowledge

Share Conference is the newest thing started by the State of Exit Foundation - the founders of the now renowned EXIT fest. This conference managed to gather international stars from the field of Internet and social activism, as well as artists from the sphere of new media as well as renowned musicians. What have we managed to do on this interesting project:

122 Apr 2011
Creating a progress bar using CSS and a bit of jQuery

Creating a progress bar using CSS and a bit of jQuery


Some call it a "loading bar"... it "cannot" be made due to some of Javascript's deficiencies with image objects, therefore the most common substitute for it is an animated .gif. With a bit of experimentation and improvisation I've created a progress that loads every image individually. This is how it all went down...

003 Feb 2011
Wishes for 2011

Wishes for 2011

Read this short post and find out my my web/design/developer geek wishes, In addition I believe that most developers wish the same.

003 Jan 2011
Control fixed/fluid layouts with CSS

Control fixed/fluid layouts with CSS

Recently I've been experimenting a lot with CSS, interfaces and I designed a website for local brand which contains fixed/fluid layouts. As I always find it a challenge to make something different than before, I managed to create a more complicated interface in two different methods using solely CSS and HTML.

209 Dec 2010
Using jQuery to load content through CMS

Using jQuery to load content through CMS

I can barely even picture developing a website with more than 20 pages and not use CMS. For the little things, I usually use AJAX or AHAH but for the correct usage of AJAX in my favorite CMS - Drupal, additional module need to be installed or made. There is of course an alternative.

509 Dec 2010
CSS website theming based on URL

CSS website theming based on URL

For a while now, I have been using similar methods for controlling the appearance (themes) of sections and pages using CSS. This method initially came about as an idea, hence I will focus on it multiple functionality.

207 Dec 2010
After Summer Afternoon

After Summer Afternoon

Аs ever full of enthusiasm, we’ve managed to finish the new collection in the blink of an eye. The idea was to present Bojana’s new collection through the usage of autumun colors, local fruits, edifying teasers, and the charming Marija Kolundžija. Marija also happens to be one of our close friends and is so dear to us that we’ve chosen to multiply her 24 times.

024 Nov 2010


Welcome to the blog :). For many years now, I have acquired skills in the field of graphic and web design, as well as developing. This site will therefore predominantly focus on creativity, improvisation, and efficiency in the sphere of web design.

019 Nov 2010
Site of the day